Sunday, June 22, 2008

Belly update!!

Matt and I took our childbirth classes this weekend...Both stressful and discusting! :) I spoke with my sister last night on the phone and she mentioned that she's not seen any recent pictures of me...I've only just gotten bigger from my 6 month pictures over the past few weeks but what a difference!! Griffin is officially LARGE AND IN CHARGE!! :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

This is where I work!

Here are some pictures of where I work!!

This is where I work!

I brought my camera to work yesterday and snapped some pictures! I work upstairs in an office that used to be a bathroom (yep, still a drain in the middle of the floor!) with Kara, a good friend of mine. What we do is very stressful and it's not uncommon to hear us singing Dolly Parton or Flight of the Conchords at the top of our lungs on our breaks! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meet Griffin!!

Wow! What a day it was yesterday! Not only was it the beginning of my 32nd week (officially 8 months!) but also Matt and I celebrated our 5 year dating anniversary AND we got a 4D picture taken of Griffin! Here it is! The color picture is actually my newborn picture and the black and white is Griffin's picture. As soon as he came onto the screen, Matt said "that's a Cassie nose if I ever saw one!". That's his left hand by his face. It was weird to stare at the screen and see ME "staring" back!! What an amazing experience! The only bad part about the whole thing is that now I want to meet him more than ever and the next 8 weeks are going to drag by until I do!!